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Bilgi Bankası

AnasayfaBilgi BankasıTestHow to Download Email, FTP, or a Da...

How to Download Email, FTP, or a Database-only Backup from DirectAdmin

You can download a backup of FTP data, email, or database-only backup from DirectAdmin's control panel.

How to generate ? database-only, FTP, or email backup?

1. Log in to your DirectAdmin account.

2. In the Advanced Features section, click on Create/Restore Backups or type Restore in the navigation filter box, and the option will appear. Click it.

3. Under the Site Backup, should you wish to generate an email-only backup, uncheck all other options and check-mark only the options displayed under email. For FTP only backup, check-mark only the option which displays under FTP. You can do the same for the Database-only backup.

4. Scroll down to the end of the page and click on Create Backup.

5. It will display a success message such as Backup creation added to the queue. Once the backup is generated, it shows a message in DirectAdmin Panel >> Support & Help Section >> Support Center >> Messages.

How to download ? generated backup of your account?

1. Log in to your DirectAdmin Account.

2. In the System Info & Files section, click on File Manager or type File Manager in the navigation filter box, and the option will appear. Click on it.

3. Open the backups directory.

4. Right-click on your newly-generated backup file, and click on Download in the Context Menu. The file will be downloaded to your computer.

Congratulations. You have successfully generated and downloaded a backup of your selected data.

Aradığınız Bilgiyi Bulamıyor musunuz?

Bilgi bankasını detaylı olarak incelediniz, fakat ihtiyacınız olan bilgiyi bulamıyorsanız,

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